Thursday 24nd February - 18:30pm

Art Madrid Venue

Alexia Sayagó, researcher and multidisciplinary artist from Madrid who moves between performance, installation and the theater itself. After studying fine arts at the Complutense University of Madrid, she completed a master's degree in contemporary art, technology, and performance at the University of the Basque Country. She is currently studying for a doctorate in art and creation at the same university. Since 2017 he has collaborated continuously with La Juan Gallery as a resident artist in exhibitions such as AcciónXM2, SuperInstalación, or the Canal Performance program at Teatros del Canal in Madrid.

He has participated in festivals such as SURGE, AcciónSpring-t or Territori and carried out exhibitions in spaces such as Espronceda BCN, Tabacalera CSA, or Bizkaia Aretoa, among others. She is currently doing an artistic residency at the Bilbao Bilboarte Foundation with his current project A Nombre Negado.


The relationship between the figure of branches and the figure of rattles in the second painting of Lorca's El público is worked on by Alexia Sayagó from the idea of ​​the expanded body. The theater allows him to role-play each character to address the tensions between individual and collective thought, between the first-person singular and the first-person plural. Branches and rattles are, for Sayagó, permeable individuals, with a fluid identity, without sex or gender. They are bodies in motion that affect each other and the reader/spectator. Therefore, the conversation is not only bidirectional but also omnidirectional. The public can pass.