With Javier Guerra and the Tandem team

When: Thrusday 1st February, 7:30 pm.

Where: La Quinta del Sordo (c/del Rosario, 15. Madrid)

Free entry until complete seats.


TANDEM is an intensive professionalization and project start-up course that unites artists and cultural managers to learn while they launch their artistic-cultural projects as a team. TANDEM is committed to innovation in cultural formats through the union of artists, managers and projects. It offers new tools for the creation, documentation, communication and marketing of creative projects, to grow collectively within the sector of cultural and creative industries. TANDEM is aimed at professionals, artists, cultural managers, students or art lovers, who want to develop their own projects working as a team and learning from within how the current artistic community works (if you do not have a project do not worry you'll end up with one).