Art Madrid

Art Madrid’25 press accreditation


Due to safety reasons and limited capacity, but also to facilitate the optimum development of the fair as well as the work of media professionals, please read the following information carefully.

Unless the media or journalist expressly request so, THE SCHEDULED OPERATIVE DAYS FOR PRESS VISITS WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 AND THURSDAY 27, fulltime from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Who may request a press Pass?

Press passes are issued to journalists, photographs and TV camera operators with qualifying crede for a maximum of 2 authors for each blog. The press pass will not be extended to administrative, commercial or advertising departments.

How to request your press pass?

If your application is approved, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL CONTAINING YOUR DIGITAL PRESS PASS YOU MUST BRING IN PRINTED VERSION OR DIGITAL FORM. Access to the fair will be strictly limited to accredited media professionals. You will need to show at the entrance (C/Montalbán, 1. Galería de Cristal, CentroCentro Cibeles) your Art Madrid’21 PRESS PASS, as well as you will be required to show personal ID and VALID PRESS CARD (or from MEDIA IN WHICH YOU WORK/COLLABORATE).

Please note, freelancers or professionals who do not have all the above documents, will have to provide a signed letter of commission from their editor, including personal ID and a written expression of the commitment to cover the fair. Journalists without accreditation will not be granted access. Press pass is personal and non-transferable.

Yes, I have read the, and I consent the processing of my personal data with the purpose of accrediting myself as an authorised press media and receiving communication and news from Art Madrid.