Álvaro de la Vega

about Álvaro de la Vega
Paradela, (Lugo), 1954
Álvaro de la Vega was trained at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona and stands out for his firm and coherent trajectory in which his presence in galleries and institutions stands out both nationally and internationally - fundamentally France and South America - as well as his participation in prestigious contemporary art fairs. De la Vega's work has been awarded numerous times and his work is present in important collections such as Abanca, Gas Natural Fenosa, Museum of Fine Arts of A Coruña, Provincial Museum of Ourense, Fonds d'art Caixa, Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Madrid or that of the Museu d'Art Contemporani of Barcelona.
about the artist's works
Álvaro de la Vega is an artist with a multidisciplinary career, although, since the early 1990s his fundamental means of expression is sculpture, whose undisputed protagonist is the human being. In his figures - although perhaps we should call them “people” - he does not usually personalize physiognomies or identities but sublimates the expression, he is interested in feeling the traces of the tools used. They are works with an expressionist vocation in which it seeks to show the primitive rudeness that the process imposes on “pure feeling”, impulse and immediacy. Although it also works with materials such as bronze, iron, stone or ceramics, wood is its favourite material, since childhood, it has had direct contact with this material and, when living in a rural environment, it seems irreplaceable and provides that appearance Rustic desired by the artist. In a progressive way his figures have been detaching themselves from the loneliness that characterized them and have come to relate to each other, the features have acquired greater definition and the clothing has been covering the human anatomy; stylistically evolves from initial expressionism towards greater realism.