Angel Pascual Rodrigo

Angel Pascual Rodrigo | Hacia el monte perdido

Angel Pascual Rodrigo

Hacia el monte perdido, 2014

Lápiz Stabylo sobre papel

20 x 27 cm

about Angel Pascual Rodrigo

Mailén (Zaragoza), 1951

Ángel Pascual studied drawing, photography, cinema, illustration, graphic techniques, art history, sociology, economics, marketing and psychology. In 1969 he began his professional dedication to visual arts. In 1970 he formed with his brother Vicente a team of plastic creation known as The Aragonese Pictorial Brotherhood. After 20 years of collaboration, the team was dissolved in 1989 and each brother continued his solo career. In 2019 he made his individual exhibition 127 when he turned 50 years old from the beginning of his professional dedication to visual arts. He has exhibited in Madrid, London, Amman, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Athens, Moscow, Washington, Mexico City, New York, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia, Chicago, Basel, Heidelberg, Porto, Nice, Bordeaux, Huesca, Teruel, Vitoria, San Sebastián, Ibiza, Mahón, Murcia. Tarragona, Lleida, Santander, Logroño, Guadalajara, Valladolid, Burgos, Oviedo, Pamplona, Córdoba, Almería, Málaga, Cádiz, Granada...

about the artist's works

The last creations of Ángel Pascual Rodrigo persevere and deepen his previous conceptual postulates with an intense, intelligible, concise and broad language in readings. It makes use of landscape iconographies, with possible references to significant works of Art History. Its exhibition sets are reflexive proposals to be shelled, in which the works are interrelated without losing their individuality, as their installations of the 70s already stated.

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