Isabel Alonso Vega

Isabel Alonso Vega | Shapeless Red

Isabel Alonso Vega

Shapeless Red, 2019

Fumes and methacrylate

50 x 50 x 13 cm

Art Madrid

Madrid, España

about Isabel Alonso Vega

Madrid, 1968

Isabel Alonso Vega received a BA in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2004. She founded URGEL3 (an alternative space) with Elena and Isabel Pan de Soraluce, Laura Ponte and Verónica Hernanz. Isabel Alonso's artworks speak of the intangible, of what is there but you can hardly be seen, it is almost impossible to touch it. Alonso has participated in several solo exhibitions with URGEL3, Materna and Herencia Gallery Madrid, Kleiner Salon Berlin, Cubita Gallery Bilbao, etc. Her work has been exhibited at Far Off Cologne, Art Madrid and Flecha.

Isabel Alonso Vega 's works

Isabel Alonso Vega | Humo

Isabel Alonso Vega

Humo, 2019

Fumes and methacrylate

20 x 20 x 20 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Rojo

Isabel Alonso Vega

Rojo, 2018

Ink and methacrylate

30 x 30 x 13 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Humo

Isabel Alonso Vega

Humo, 2018

Fumes and methacrylate

50 x 50 x 50 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Rojo

Isabel Alonso Vega

Rojo, 2018

Ink and methacrylate

50 x 40 x 25 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | One

Isabel Alonso Vega

One, 2019

Ink and methacrylate

20 x 20 x 13 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Humo I

Isabel Alonso Vega

Humo I, 2019

Fumes and methacrylate

80 x 100 x 50 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Humo V

Isabel Alonso Vega

Humo V, 2019

Fumes and methacrylate

50 x 40 x 25 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Flat Smoke

Isabel Alonso Vega

Flat Smoke, 2020

Fumes and methacrylate

60 x 40 x 13 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Red II

Isabel Alonso Vega

Red II, 2021

Caja de metacrilato y tinta

30 x 30 x 13 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Rojo

Isabel Alonso Vega

Rojo, 2019

Ink and methacrylate

20 x 20 x 13 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Rojo

Isabel Alonso Vega

Rojo, 2019

Ink and methacrylate

50 x 40 x 25 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Soot Cloud VII

Isabel Alonso Vega

Soot Cloud VII, 2018

Fumes and methacrylate

25 x 50 x 25 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Humo colgado

Isabel Alonso Vega

Humo colgado, 2019

Fumes and methacrylate

30 x 80 x 20 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Drop

Isabel Alonso Vega

Drop, 2020

Fumes and methacrylate

75 x 50 x 40 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Humo

Isabel Alonso Vega

Humo, 2020

Fumes and methacrylate

70 x 70 x 70 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Rojo Uno

Isabel Alonso Vega

Rojo Uno, 2019

Ink and methacrylate

50 x 40 x 25 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Levógira

Isabel Alonso Vega

Levógira, 2018

Fumes and methacrylate

30 x 30 x 30 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Light Red

Isabel Alonso Vega

Light Red, 2019

Ink and methacrylate

30 x 30 x 30 cm

Isabel Alonso Vega | Two

Isabel Alonso Vega

Two, 2019

Ink and methacrylate

20 x 20 x 13 cm

Featured works