Mª José Gallardo

about Mª José Gallardo
Badajoz, 1978
Mariajosé Gallardo graduated in Fine Arts in the speciality of Design and Engraving, at the University of Seville. Throughout her various projects, María José Gallardo has built her own plastic vocabulary. She has made her works easily recognisable. Representative emblems, symbols, religious, esoteric, heraldic, ex-votos or reliquaries are always present in her representative lexicon; offering the possibility of thinking about painting from parameters other than strictly plastic or aesthetic.
It is common to find in her creations cathedral plants, showing her fascination about places of power and how in those same territories different religions have coexisted throughout history. Where time ago there was a pagan temple, a Visigothic hermitage or a mosque now stands a church being clear the sacred quality of the terrain marked perhaps by the existence of energetic vortices that favour in that enclave the divine and holy coexistence. Religion, history, cinema, fashion, music, comics, the plastic arts and, above all, the history of painting, are the sources that originate and shape the aesthetic territory of Gallardo.
about the artist's works
Her work is intense in every way, in the details, in the strokes, in the symbology. Emblems, symbols, religious motifs, esoteric, heraldry, ex-vows or reliquaries are always present in their representative lexicon; offering the possibility of thinking the painting from parameters other than strictly plastic or aesthetic. Religion, history, cinema, fashion, comics and, above all, the history of painting, are the sources that originate and shape Gallardo's aesthetic territory. She mixes tradition and culture emphasizing in her compositions the cut of the figure on flat bottoms with an intense mastery and use of gold leaf, providing drama to the compositions and making them very attractive. María José Gallardo is one of the most prominent figurative artists of the current art scene.