Art Madrid'24 – Gil Maia – Lugares Impolutos #13 (2023)

Gil Maia | Lugares Impolutos #13

Gil Maia

Lugares Impolutos #13, 2023

Oil on paper

153 x 107 cm

Galeria São Mamede

Lisboa, Portugal

Programa General B3


about Gil Maia

Maia, (Portugal), 1974

Gil Maia studied Fine Arts – Painting at Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, Portugal. Gil Maia's real artistic intention is to overcome him restlessness while in constant flux between painting and resolving the challenges that he is provoking. Considering that paintings speak for itself, the artist provokes a tug-of-war between the unconscious freedom and the severity of intellect, flickering between the conscious and the unconscious. In terms of composition, Gil brings traditional iconic Portuguese elements such as the painted blue tiles, monastery furniture and the Spanish fan, working the acrylic or the oil around a centrepiece. Surrounding the focus point are elements that remind the work of Francis Bacon although he predominantly works with abstract geometrical images.

Gil Maia 's works

Gil Maia | Lugares Impolutos #19

Gil Maia

Lugares Impolutos #19, 2023

Oil on paper

153 x 107 cm

Featured works

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8, 2023

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(blank) 042, 2022

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90 III, 2023

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