Art Madrid'25 – Paco Dalmau – 90 III (2023)

Paco Dalmau | 90 III

Paco Dalmau

90 III, 2023

Técnica mixta sobre lienzo sobre tablero

90 x 90 cm

Galería La Mercería

Valencia, España

Programa General A14


about Paco Dalmau

Vila-real, 1978

Evolution series is based on the psychology of color as a conceptual foundation of this body of work. My goal is to create images of organic shapes that look as if they have arisen from themselves; without any intervention by the artist. By doing so, I explore the interplay and perception of color and depth as a method of producing expressive, abstract work. It is my goal as an artist to offer the viewer a personal, intimate and emotional experience based on color and visual texture, leaving the canvas, open for interpretation. In recent years I have developed a unique production method carried out in different stages consisting of the choice of a particular chromaticism, the erosion of the material and the glazing and blurring of the color. These steps manage to create distance between the different layers, suggesting three-dimensional depth and atmospheres, sometimes delusional, but always transcendental. This way of working takes me to an introverted and meditative state of mind, allowing me to order and structure my sensations and emotions. The inner peace that I find thanks to this daily routine is simple and personal, but, in essence, destined so that the equation, sender (artist) – message (artwork) – receiver (spectator) is completed.

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