Art Madrid'25 – Jorg Karg

Jorg Karg
Alemania, 1982
The German artist Jorg Karg has always had an obsession for pictures. He focused his career on digital collages for more than a decade. He takes photographic material, rearrange it, and abstract it, using photo-editing software. Therefore, he creates own photographic material and collaborates with photographers from all around the world. Before discovering this fascinating for photography, he obsessively painted and drew, which is big influence in his current photographic practice.
Jorg Karg was nominated for The BLOOOM Award 2016 (Art Fair Cologne) and was shortlisted for the Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize 2017. Since then he exhibited in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden. In 2018 the journey went on and his works were recognized by several awards. The range of exhibitions has also expanded to France and Spain. Alongside he has been published multiple times in magazines and other media.