Art Madrid'25 – David Planas

David Planas

San Antonio de los Baños, La Habana, (Cuba), 1976

Possessing a great hyperrealist technique, David Planas in his most recent works on different supports integrates multiple materials, papers, pieces of metal, with diverse textures to which he adds intense colours, blues, greens and magentas, creating a direct and profound dialogue with the spectator who feels attracted by his visual strength. Trained at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas (ENA) in Havana (Cuba), he has lived in Spain since 2002. His works have been shown in various countries throughout his professional career (Cuba, USA and Germany, among others). He has participated in numerous national and international exhibitions.

This artist exhibits in the following galleries

Galería Luisa Pita

Programa General

Artist's works

David Planas | En el bosque de la felicidad

David Planas

En el bosque de la felicidad, 2024

Mixta óleo, cera y papel sobre lienzo

160 x 90 x 3 cm

David Planas | Mar de Ardora

David Planas

Mar de Ardora, 2024

"Mixta. Caja de luz. Óleo/madera, resina y metal"

121 x 53 x 5 cm