Art Madrid'24 – Making Africa a continent of contemporary design at Guggeheim Bilbao




The Africa of wars, drought and famine is both a spot of reflection and creativity in the service of social, political and technological change, thanks to a new generation of artists, architects and designers, fully connected to the Internet and new technologies that make their country a melting-pot of reciprocal international influences.





This is what reflects the ambitious exhibition Making Africa-a continent of contemporary design, that occupies 22 rooms of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao with the work of 120 artists, creators and designers of Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Angola, Senegal, Mozambique, Ghana , Benin and Congo and others born or based in Europe.





The exhibition, organized jointly with the Vitra Desing Museum, Basel (Switzerland), passed first by the Swiss museum and, for this occasion, it has been expanded with 13 new spaces for its large size art works that could not hang in Basel.






Objects, fashion, architecture, design objects, graphic arts, painting or urbanism, and also film series, workshops and panel discussions, the exhibition "makes an overview of the highlights of contemporary African creation and how this is a guide and feeds the political, economic and social change on the continent, transcending colonial readings and territorial domination ", as explained the curator, Amelie Klein, also curator of the Vitra Museum.






The exhibition begins in the Museum atrium, where Amadou Lamine Ndom, urban artist, has made a 12-meter graffiti depicting the old and the new Africa, a large ceremonial mask integrated in a colorful and modern architecture and images of latest information technologies. In addition, also at the beginning, visitors enter a room with 22 video interviews with main characters of this African creative explosion.






Making Africa-a continent of contemporary design is divided into four sections:

Prologue, it shows different prejudices created in the West on Africa to try to banish stereotypes and cliches.

I and We, design of objects shown as a tool for the expression of life experiences.

Space and Object, speaks of urbanism as a creative discipline and the relationship between individuals and the cities they inhabit.

Origin and Future, fashion, furniture and photographs the aesthetic tastes of contemporary Africans seeking its roots in response to the prevailing globalization.



If you are a contemporary art gallery and would like to be part of Art Madrid'25, you can now apply to participate!

The 20th edition of Art Madrid will take place from 5 to 9 March 2025 in the Galería de Cristal del Palacio de Cibeles. This privileged location, good communications and the quality of the project have always been guarantees of success for an event that reaches 20,000 visitors in each edition.

Art Madrid has been held during the capital's Art Week for the last twenty years, consolidating itself as an interdisciplinary fair of new artistic trends, in which nearly 40 national and international galleries participate, working with painting, sculpture, graphics, photography, installation and digital art of recent production.

Partial view of Art Madrid'24. Contemporary Art Fair. 19th edition, 2024

Art Madrid carries out a series of programs designed by curators, consultants and cultural experts with the fundamental objective of encouraging collecting, promoting cultural dialogue and making the most recent trends in art accessible to the general public. These initiatives are always focused on the constant improvement of the visitor's experience at our event, always seeking to enrich their interaction with contemporary art.

Partial view of Art Madrid'24. Contemporary Art Fair. 19th edition, 2024


Gallery Program

Art Madrid's Gallery Program is the heart of the fair. In each edition of Art Madrid, the program consists of around 40 national and international exhibitors.

Parallel Activities Program

The Parallel Program of Art Madrid'25 will have as its main axis the concept of the Territory City. The public space, the city and the territory will serve as a link to the artistic practices that take place in the "imagined spaces" and revitalize the cultural geography of Madrid.

Collecting Program

Art Madrid offers a specialized consulting service for galleries and the public interested in acquiring works of art.

Support Program for New Entries

Through a specific communication package, new entries to the fair will be presented and given special visibility.


The program will include a series of activities that will take place throughout the month of February and during Madrid Art Week at the Galería de Cristal del Palacio de Cibeles. Likewise, the parallel program will maintain the 2nd edition of the Open Booth, the Performance Cycle, Lecturas: Curated Walktrhoughs by Art Madrid, and the Interviews Section curated by Art Madrid.

Partial view of Art Madrid'24. Contemporary Art Fair. 19th edition, 2024


Best Booth Award

Award that will be articulated around the gallery with the best booth set up at the fair.

New Entry Award

Award will be given to the newly incorporated gallery with the best booth setup and exhibition proposal at the fair.

Emerging Artist Award

Our sponsors, as part of their line of action to promote contemporary art, will offer a prize to one of the revelation artists participating in the fair.

Partial view of Art Madrid'24. Contemporary Art Fair. 19th edition, 2024

Our support for art and culture extends throughout the year and responds to a global vision in which constancy and commitment to the galleries are essential to achieve our objectives of disseminating contemporary art within and beyond our borders; to create new audiences and interest in art and culture in all sectors of society; to strengthen and promote artists, especially young talent; to value art and culture as essential elements of social development; and to create spaces for cultural visibility and communication that are accessible, open and dynamic.

Relevant information

Applications for the 20th edition of Art Madrid'25 can be sent to the following e-mail address: until October 7, 2024