Apr 27, 2017
Breaking News
With more than 2000 participants, among them 100 photographers, 12 galleries and 6 specialized schools, the IV Edition of this festival bets on a reinforcement of the artist's vision denouncing the talent flight that is suffering today. Powered by Art Deal Project, an art agency led by Isabel Lázaro, curator, art historian and gallery owner, this meeting has been consolidated thanks to the emerging photography show.
Art Photo BCN is defined as an artistic showcase and inflection point, in which all the professionals of the sector contribute their particular granite of sand. The festival has a large selection committee composed of Gonzalo Golpe (independent editor), Moritz Neumüller (curator of Art), Semiramis González (art curator), Jesús Micó (director of Kursala, UCA), Simona Rota ), Isabel Lázaro (Art Photo Bcn), Stefano Marchei (Art Photo Bcn) and Ariadna Serra (designer). As well as, visioners that bring the extra quality to an event of these characteristics. Eliza Norandi (curator and director of the MAV Festival in Catalonia), Erika Bornay (UB), Angel Samblancat (Marchante), Flor Vacherand (CC Pati. Llimona), Ada Sbricolli and Arola Valls (CFD Barcelona), Carmen Dalmau (Zero Gallery - EFTI), Roger Batista and Xavier Frances (COPIA), Alejandro Maureira (NEXO PHOTO) and Gustavo Alemán (Fuego Books).
Thanks to the collaboration of these professionals, a series of prizes will be awarded according to the relevant category, these are:
ART PHOTO BCN PRIZE Image and exhibition space at the next edition of the Art Photo Bcn festival
CFD PRIZE Exhibition
EFTI AWARD Training grant at EFTI. International Center of Photography and Cinema. Madrid
COPIES WALL AWARD Production and exhibition
IDEP PRIZE Scholarship for IDEP training to study the Postgraduate of Contemporary Art Photography during the 2017-18 academic year
Photographers and projects:
- Gema Polanco, As God Rules
- Bárbara Traver, Portrait
- Leafhopper - Blanca Galindo & David Simon Martret, It's a wonderful life
- Antonio González Caro, Hunting shadows
- Fernando García Berdeja, First fiction: divergences
- José Luis Carrillo, The children of the deer
- Tiago Casanova, Uncover
There will also be a series of activities including Workshop, Scenic Photography, and Workshop The goal is the way. Masterclass, The curious world of the photobook. Facilities, Relationships and Dependencies, photography and installation by Lola Guerrera. Round table with, Phenomenon photolibro, Protagonists and processes. With the participation of: Jon Uriarte, Toni Amengual, Alberto Salván (Three Graphic Types), among others and the course taught by Abel Azcona, Visual Empowerment: from the body to the image. For more information