Marc Decoene Fine Arts gallery in Art Madrid\'15
Feb 3, 2015
art madrid
Fotografía de Diambra Mariani.
Marc Decoene Fine Arts is a gallery from south Erolzheim (Ulm-Germany) opened in 2008. Since the beginning its target was to promote European young artists. With this aim, it organizes periodically monographic exhibitions of emerging artists came from different countries of the old continent. Besides, among its represented creators we also count on established artists of different art disciplines, what aids to offer a huge panorama of the diversity of techniques and media now present in contemporary art. |
Obra de Ken Lambert.
This gallery counts also with it's own space in Barcelona, where it continue its diffusion labor focused on Spanish artists. Marc Decoene visits Art Madrid’15 with pieces by Jesús Zurita, Ramón Clapers, Joan Priego, Ken Lambert, Alejandra Corral and Diambra Mariani. |
Obra de Jesús Zurita.
It is remarkable the work of Jesús Zurita. This artist from Ceuta, graduated in Fine Arts in the University of Granada, has already received numerous awards like the Drawing Award of the Fine Arts Academy of Granada; the Grupo Lozano Award; the INICIARTE 2008 award or the ADAJA 2009 award. Despite the fact that his trajectory has just started in the international scope, with presence in Mexico and Netherland, this creator counts on a huge recognition in Spain. His work transports us to dark and oniric atmospheres, unreal realities and troubling characters that seem to arise from traditional Slav tales. Draughtsman and illustrator, Zurita knows how to give to the colour the visual impact that it deserves and turn it into a tangible presence inside his compositions. |
Fotografía de Diambra Mariani.
In another artistic discipline we must mention to Diambra Mariani, This photographer from Verona, graduated in Law, whose artistic career has started to stand out in the last years, has deserved prestige awards like the “Inail Prospect Award” or the “Prospect Agency”, besides having been selected for Photoespaña. Her works has been published in numerous recognized magazines: The Sunday Times Magazine, D La Repubblica delle Donne, L'Espresso or Vanity Fair. Her work offers a great spectrum of personal visions of the artist, that go from the countryside landscapes to the photoreport with social content. |